Okay...no laughing! We aren't exactly pioneers, but this was a pioneering trip! We wanted to make a
treck up to Fry Mesa to try the canoe there, but we don't have a boat trailer so this was Jason's answer! Yeah--it looks funny but it worked fine! We made it without any issues...other than that road is not so great anymore--rain has been good for the green countryside, but not so much for that road!
Reagan was so excited to get to canoe, she could hardly wait! She got the first ride with Dad and loved every minute of it! Travis and I also got in (gasp...gasp...). The baby was fine--he loved putting his hand in the water as we "sped" across the "lake." As for me, I was a bit nervous--all four of us in a
shakey canoe??!! Crazy fun I guess! We drove to the cove and Jason showed us where (in the old days) he used to jump off the cliffs in to the water and ride the zip line across...now that was crazy fun per him...not too sad I missed out on that!

We had a little picnic and Reagan made some new friends...the biggest
caterpillar and grasshopper you've ever seen! They even scared her a bit! Travis loved the rocks and of course the tires on the Ranger...very easily entertained these days. Jason attempted fishing--but the water was pretty murky and we didn't seen anything in it but a few crawdads.

Fry Mesa is a cool place--did you know that if you look East from there you can see Roper Lake perfectly? (We waved to the
Allreds!) And that if you look North you see
Pima? Fry Mesa is the corner of the angle. Weird. It is so green up there right now too. "It is SO beautiful! Take a picture Mom," per Reagan...mind you she said that about the cows we saw too! We had lots of fun and are so blessed to have such easy access to such a great place.