Saturday, January 24, 2009: Literally every day Reagan wakes up and asks if we can go up the mountain to play in the snow. She is obsessed with snow! I think that little snow we had after Christmas made her crave it even more. So, to make Reagan happy and to get out of the house after days of being cooped up with Travis who is sick again (3rd time on antibiotics since Christmas?! and before that had NEVER been on anything! Oh, how I hate ear infections!) we made a trek up Mt. Graham to the Larson Cabin. The air was cold, but the sun was warm and so was the nice hot fire Jason built and the hot cocoa Reagan made! We were glad to be warm. There was lots of snow on the ground, but it had been there several days and was pretty crunchy so snow balls hurt and it didn't pack well for snowman making. My mom came with us since my dad had to work and she missed the kids. Everyone had fun but Travis. He fell several times in the snow and mud and decided quickly he was ready for a nap so we didn't stay long. Reagan was all smiles though, and hasn't asked once since we came home about the snow...glad we could cure her snow fever. Now if we can just get Travis well.... 
Dad got the kids to smile by throwing a snowball at me! Thanks--I think!