I have great intentions about keeping up on here, but somehow time seems to slip by faster than I can write about it. Or maybe my excuse is that I'm too busy living life to write...I have more excuses, but yet time is again a factor so I'll just get to catching up on April...
Reagan got sent to the Principal's office for the first time. There was more drama than you can imagine! The long and short of the story is that she and 2 other little girls played tic tac toe on their school bus seat in ink. Reagan didn't own up to and so the principal (who used to be our 1st counselor in our bishopric) called Jason asked him to get to the bottom of the situation. Reagan blew me off too and denied any involvement, but this girl was no match for her dad. After just one question, she was in tears and confessing her graffiti sin. It was so hard not to laugh. He has her number and she knows it. Through tears she cried, "I AM SO BUSTED!" And she was...The next day Daddy took her to the principal, where she again was in tears confessing and apologizing and even had to clean the seat. ( I suggested to Jason that maybe she should sit in the front seat on the bus too...I thought it was interesting and funny to find out that is where this happened initially!)
Reagan's "busted" situation finally ended and once she was in good standing again was able to have a slumber party with her cousins. They laughed, they played, they sang and even danced. It was a fun night for all...Dad said he had the most fun 'cuz he was at work, but Mom didn't mind the fun--kept her young another night.
Reagan's softball is in full swing this month! (We practice on day, games on 2 days, not to mention keeping up with dance and gymnastics! Busy girl makes for a busy family!) She is playing County League. It is coach pitch with girls ages 4-6. I was a bit nervous for her at first since she's only even played teeball one season. BUT, to my great surprise--Reagan is doing great!
She is pretty good at batting and manages to get on base most of the time.
Outfield is a bit rough or boring for her though...there is so much dirt to play with and so few balls coming her way. Oh, well! She is loving it and that is all that counts. 
Travis is TRAVIS....the typical 18month old. I truly do love this age, but I forgot how much work it is. Travis is becoming a pro at disassembling and destroying most anything--especially the playroom and anything with tires. He can get even dirtier than Reagan did at this age which I could believe was possible. He is also talking more and more. Most of his latest words are his favorite foods--cookie, ice cream, chicken, and juice! He definitely is keeping us on our toes. Mommy is grateful that he loves being outside with Daddy--playing tractors, working on the garden, taking care of the chickens, and torturing the dogs. What a kid!
Jason is enjoying working nights, which leaves lots of time for fishing, tractor playing, reloading, and shooting...which he would be pleased to report that he got a new gun and must be one of the right-wing activists Janet Napolitano has been talking about. Actually, he has been an exemplar husband this month--he took Travis to the Dr. on his own, has managed quite a few loads of dishes, and even got the garden planted. I think he's a keeper!
I have been busy with work--my regular shifts, studying for and taking a PALS class (Pediatric Advance Life Support--which I just finished today YEA!), and covering for my boss who has been out of town for 2 weeks. Oh, and don't forget all the mom duties of cooking, cleaning, and the like. I think I'm ready for a vacation...isn't everyone?!