The Larson Family had a little mountain reunion on Memorial Day at the cabin. Jason made the trek on Saturday with the kids while I stayed home and worked. Then, we all went up on Monday. The weather was beautiful and cool and the trip was full of walks to "Cow Canyon" and treks to Lady Bug Saddle. The Reagan had her bug catcher and instructed all the cousins on how to catch anything creepy and crawly--including beetles and caterpillars. Travis, meanwhile spent his time trying to be cool and follow around his big cousins Rusten and Frank, pushing trucks down hills, and getting dirty. Oh, the fun and the memories! We are blessed and grateful to have such a fun retreat to go to! 

The trip was made even more exciting as a few of Jason's first cousins came for the adventure also (all the way from Utah and Idaho). These made for lots of cousins and little cousins...and fun! I think Joy and Gene Robert loved every minute of it! We sure did!
The trip was made even more exciting as a few of Jason's first cousins came for the adventure also (all the way from Utah and Idaho). These made for lots of cousins and little cousins...and fun! I think Joy and Gene Robert loved every minute of it! We sure did!