When Reagan got a phone call this morning, I had to laugh. She shouted in the phone at her Nana "I AM FINALLY 6!!!" It must have been a long time time coming for this little girl--she is always playing catch up-- as most kids are older and of course she wants to be like them! She was so excited for today to come--to finally be six years old! Me...well, I wasn't as excited I guess. My little girl is growing up and that makes a mom a bit sad, but it is FUN!
Turning 6 of course meant a Horse Party with "just girls"!
So, yesterday we had a fun little party with some girl friends and the guest of honor was of course--A HORSE!
Her name is Angel and she is a miniature horse. (No, we didn't give in to Reagan's pleading of wanting a horse--she is a friend's from work who just wanted a day on the town!!) The girls got to pet, kiss, and feed Angel. I think Angel loved the excitement as much as the girls did! It was cute--some girls were brave, others a bit skiddish--but everyone loved her by the end! 
We did girly things like make bracelets, learn to rope cows, have pony races, and break the horsey pinata. Then--a horseshoe cake with ice cream and lots of presents. 
After everyone left, Daddy and Mommy gave her our presents--a stable and a basketball goal. Reagan's reply was "This is the best birthday ever!" which of course melted our hearts!
Tonight, Reagan got to celebrate with family and her cousins and enjoy tacos, and a chocolate cake and ice cream at Nana's house....and this Friday, the boys will come over for a sleep over! (Yes, I think this maybe the birthday that never ends, but Reagan is loving it and I really don't mind--kids this age are pretty fun and easy going!)
Reagan truly is a blessing in our lives. She is kind and caring, messy and crazy, silly and giggly...what a girl! Her teacher Ms. Moore said that she is "enthusiastic" and "very helpful". Too funny-- I think if only given a few words, that is how I would describe her too! We love you Reagan Kalea Larson!