1. Boys are just as crazy as girls! (And can eat twice as much too!)
Yes--we had our cousin sleep over and Reagan and Travis had a blast! (Hopefully the boys did too!)
2. Twister REALLY is hard!

Reagan got this great game from the Allreds for her birthday and as easy as it looks and as flexible as these kids are--it should have been a piece of cake, but in Carson's words "This is the HARDEST game ever!"
3. Tragedy happens--even in our little community.
Norene Mortensen, a dear friend and coach (VB--frosh and JV) was killed in a car wreck that seems unexplainable. Also, a friend from college--also lost his life in a battle against a disease that isn't normally thought of as fatal. These are but a few of the many local tragedies I could name...I hate that sometimes life just isn't fair.
4. Keeping busy is good for the soul.

For Reagan's birthday, my mom bought some fabric to redo Reagan's room, so I've been doing just that! I've sewed, painted, directed...and now am waiting for some vinyl lettering and pics to make it complete! I also taught my first YW lesson to all the girls--and boy that was scary!
Jason is keeping busy with work, court, and another criminal justice class. Really though he has been spending most every waking moment painting an "Orange" tractor --of all the things!
Reagan is loving 1st grade, but some how has less and less to tell her mom each day about the things she did or learned! (I can't imagine how it'll be when she's 16!) She keeps busy 3 afternoons a week or so with dance, gymnastics, piano, and soccer. She loves it ALL--well, maybe not the piano now that she has to practice everyday!
Travis is busy being a boy--making messes that both torment and amaze me. He keeps our days full of smiles, laughs, and lots of head shaking.
5. Setting goals are a good thing. I heard there was going to be a half marathon here in October...so I made it my goal and started training/running. I'm no runner--barely a jogger in fact-- since I'm so slow, but I'm moving and up to 7 miles already! I'm running a 10K tomorrow for some fun and practice--wish me luck!
6. I already miss summer. Travis loves his sister and any loud truck that goes by sends him to the door yelling "Reagan's school bus" . He misses her, and I do to. I love my kids and I love seeing them interact together.

7. Don't give up.
This has been my motto with potty training Travis. We started on Tues and Travis is maintaining about a 50% average...which is discouraging to me a bit. But, there have been break throughs--like going in the potty twice when we were in town yesterday, and tonight-- when HE told ME he had to go potty--and really went! Its been a long road and it still maybe, but he really is doing good and who could resist that smile?!
8. Kids are smarter than you think.
Travis's new favorite saying is "Dang It!" Guess it could be worse, but means I'll have to watch the things I say much closer. Reagan's mind has been ticking away and she has been asking questions like, "Who am I going to marry?" and "When are you going on a date?" to me and Jason. (You should hear her definition of a date--its something like this: a girl and boy go to dinner alone, they talk, and then decide to have a baby....rather interesting concept don't ya think?!)
9. Listen to your body.
Jason's dad's body was telling him things for months, maybe longer....and it really turned out to be something big! He had abd surgery and now is in the ICU, but is doing good thankfully.
10. Fairytales are good reminders...
Tonight I watched Enchanted with Reagan and Travis. As they sat in the recliner with me, I was reminded of blessed I am. My life isn't perfect, its probably not even a fairytale to most people. But it is to me-- I have a handsome prince who rides...a green tractor...who loves me, holds me, and does the things I just can't do. I have the most beautiful little munchkins who call me "Mom" and hug and kiss me everyday. This is my fairytale...my dream come true.
My Dad used to ask me everyday when I got home from school, "What did you do for the good of the country today?" I'm not sure I ever had a better answer than I do these days...."I'm learning to learn each and everyday...thanks to my wonderful family."