As Christmas neared, Reagan convinced us after looking at last year's scrap book that "it just isn't Christmas if we don't see the temple lights." This little Christmas tradition began long before she was born, so of course Jason and I had to agree. Then, it was off to Mesa on the 23rd to see the lights! We had a great time. The kids were amazed by the "statues" they have on the temple grounds and we were amazed at their reverence and awe.
Cute family! (Travis was watching all the missionaries as they walked by...)

Families Are Forever!
The Reason...
Wise men still seek him...
Christmas Eve brought lots of fun activities! My parents spent the day with us--the men out side cooking some awesome eats (Jason made brisqute that was to die for!) while the women and children held down the house. My mom thought it would be fun for the kids to pass the day doing fun Christmas activities...decorating cookies--great frosting--not such a good idea! It was everywhere, but the kids had a blast decorating their own cookies so I guess it was worth the mess!
I think they ate as much as they decorated! Travis even managed to dump a whole jar of cookie goodies onto 1 cookie! Hope Santa enjoys it!
Christmas Eve night followed family tradition as we made our way to Solomon to Papa and Joy's for their annual party. We ate lots of yummy mexican food and then Santa and Mrs. Claus came by to for one last visit before the big night. Reagan and Travis were excited to see them, as were all the Larson cousins. 
The party also had a spiritual side--we heard a story about the shephards and then as the scriptural story of Jesus's birth was read, the cousins came out in their Nativity costumes. They all love dressing up! It definitely is the highlight of the party for all!
Then, it was off to bed...because Santa was on his way!
HE CAME>> AND LEFT TOYS! The kids were thrilled with their gifts!
My family came to enjoy the chaos with us. Even Kaela was in a festive spirit.
Reagan loved her new "Rock Star" gifts from Travis!
The kids got lots of fun presents--among the favorites were Buzz Light Year and the Princess and the Frog. Check out those excited Christmas morning faces! There is one picture missing though...the one of me riding my new mountain bike through the house before the kids got up! (Guess I'll have to get a copy of one from my dad!) Too fun--I love my Santa and his gifts too!
After Christmas fun has included enjoying ipod listening and easy bake cookies!
Reagan and Travis have truly been enjoying their "haul" since Christmas. Reagan's break was spent playing and play some more! Travis loved having his big sister home for a few days too!
Hope your season was as Merry and Bright as ours was!
(The moon on Christmas night!)