Both kids patiently sat through the video and oooohhed and ahhed at all the beautiful temples it showed. Then, it was time for our tour. I loved walking hand in hand with Reagan, whispering answers to her simple questions and watching Jason hold a content Travis in his arms. I was truly amazed how both my small children knew how important it was to be reverent there. They were on their best behavior and seemed to realize what a sacred place the temple is.

Reagan's favorite was the Baptistry "because I'm going to baptized there." She was bummed when she found out she had to be 12 to do baptisms there. Her next favorite was the Celestial room. "It's the most beautiful!" Her daddy asked her if she wanted to be married at this temple. Her reply was so serious, "Okay, but who can I marry?" Wonder how many times in her life she'll ask that question....
When I asked Travis what his favorite part was, he said, "The pictures of Jesus." They definitely were his favorite--as we walked by each painting with Christ in it, Travis whispered and pointed Him out each time. It just testifies to me that the veil is thin when children are small--Travis has no doubt, just by glancing at a picture--he knows who Jesus is.
I love every part of our temple and my favorite was just being there today as a family. Its beauty amazes me--every detail in order. It felt good to be there this afternoon...peaceful and whole...united and strong.
I am excited for the rest of the open house...I have loved serving and look forward to continuing my service there--during the open house and especially after the temple is dedicated. I already feel like the temple is "Home".