My little girl is growing up....and she is so excited to be getting older! All her friends are already seven and some have even turned eight, so "catching" up to them was thrilling to Reagan! I am a bit sad though...she isn't my little baby any more...and that is becoming more and more evident each day.

Reagan had a great 7
th birthday. In fact, she got to celebrate her birthday a little bit every day for a few days so this made it even better. (Just worked out this way...but never ending birthdays are fun when you are 7!
On Reagan's actual birthday, she woke up to a few gifts from Mom, Dad, and Travis. Among the favorites was her new CTR ring, 2 American Girl Books, and a new necklace and
earrings from Hawaii. She also had the Ford/Larson tradition of getting sang to by Nana. Reagan thought it was so funny that her Nana would call and sing "Happy Birthday" all by herself.
Since Reagan's birthday was a school day, we took cupcakes to her class that she had decorated. That night-- as promised by her daddy--she got to go out to dinner. Reagan picked
Casa and had a cheese enchilada, her favorite! She also got ice cream before bed...such a good day!
Reagan also got to have a sleepover with her cousins (and the Woods boys) on the Friday before her birthday. The kids had a blast playing and just being their silly selves. They stayed up till 2 am (which I didn't mind) and were promptly up by 5:30am (which I did not care for at all!!) Jason got out of the fun as he had to work, so it was just me and 10 little munchkins! Oh, the fun they had and memories they made! Its fun to be a kid!

Snack time!

Game time--Twister is the favorite!

Play time-- too much fun!

(After dropping the kids all off, Reagan sighed and said, "I am so glad to finally be 7." I broke her bubble and said her real birthday wasn't for 2 more days--then she would be 7. She was heartbroke, but just for a second--then she realized 2 days wasn't very far away!)
Reagan decided she wanted a "girl party" with her friends for her party this year. She is loving gymnastics lately, so we set it up with Heidi at
DeKeuster's and a gymnastics party is what we had (on the Friday afternoon before her birthday)! It was a complete hit! The girls loved being at gymnastics and just having fun...
ie--chaotic fun! Reagan's favorite coach Sam was there and also Anthony. They kept things pretty organized and helped the girls build towers and do flips. Reagan said, "This is the best party ever!" several times throughout the party--success!

Cute girls! Love them all!

They played parachute/ball games which was hysterical to the girls!

Even Travis had a blast!...

And got in the way lots....

Help with a flips! (We sent the girls home with
flipflops and a note that said, "Thanks for flipping with us!" Hope they all had as much fun as Reagan did!)
Reagan got a special fondant birthday cake I made. I'm far from a pro, but it turned out pretty cute for my first try. It was fun to make and tasted awesome. The girls even ate the fondant!

There was lots of cake left over though--so Dad enjoyed it and we even tried to share at Nana's that Sunday. (Next time we will go for smaller!)
Reagan's real gift from Mom and Dad came 2 days after her birthday, but she didn't seem to mind at all! Kirsten Larson, an American Doll who is a pioneer girl from Sweden became Reagan's new side kick right away. (Jason's Larson family is from Sweden so I thought Kirsten wa the perfect choice.) We are enjoying reading her "story" together.

Reagan is a special girl and we so blessed to have her in our family. We love you Reagan and are so proud of you!