So, sometimes life comes at you and it seems like you can't keep up. That has been me recently...besides being tired, I have taken on some new responsibilities at work. I really enjoyed it, but am glad it has come to a close. I have worked the last 8 weeks as not only an ER nurse, but has the hospital's Employee Health and Infection Control nurse. I got to put on flu shot clinics, travel to PHX for a mandatory reporting conference, and do employee physicals...and that was just for starters. I really enjoyed the experience and learned a lot.
Too cute! What a mighty hunter!
The last two weeks, I have also gotten to work as the Community Health nurse and work at the Teen Clinic, educating and preparing teens for real world experiences including the "S" word and STDs. It was a good makes me just that much more resolved to be open with my kids about these topics. It was obvious that most of the kids I talked with had no parental education or influence on these subjects....which is so sad.
Jason is finishing up his history class and his English Literature class. He can't wait and is threatening to take a break. This semester has done him in he says! Jason also has been keeping busy with Scouts, getting them to camp outs and of course cooking for them. Oh, don't forget the Model A....Jason's Dad's old car is here at our house and Jason is starting on it as his next "project".
Reagan's soccer has ended, but she is still keeping busy with dance, gymnastics, and piano...and school and friends...and all the other things she loves like Ranger rides, dove hunting, and just hanging out with Mom, Dad, and Travis. She really is a big to help to Mom, even though it is not always her favorite thing to do.
Travis is 3 going on 7. He thinks he is grown up and is ready for school. He wants so bad to go with Reagan. It is cute!
He is a bit bored with Mom during the day, but enjoys spending time out working in the shop with Dad. He is our official "egg collector" and is in charge of the chicken eggs--which he takes very seriously and does numerous times a day. Travis has taken to being friends with Dad and is even trying to eat foods that Dad squash and even mashed potatoes! (Amazing for the boy with the texture issues!)

Despite our busy-ness, we manage to have fun. We went to Tucson for Veterans Day and took the kids to the zoo. They love it! The animals are all up close and it was perfect weather. Reagan also got to spend her birthday money--at Build-a-Bear of course! Travis thought building his puppy was cool too! Mom and Dad were just glad for a day out of town-together!