Grandma bought the kids a gingerbread house to decorate, so we did it for a FHE. The kids both loved it, but I think more of the candy ended up in their stomach than on their house!
I decided we just can't keep all the kiddos work, so we will take pics and have those forever....
Travis has been hard at work at preschool learning letters and how to write his name!
My cute boys! Jace loves his jumparoo!
My YW...aren't they beautiful!
Chilling after a long day!
Too funny! What are they all three watching?!
Sometimes Travis just can't help,but take a nap! He is exhausted!
Travis just wanted cute little pumpkins this year....the potatoe pumpkins are his. The J is Jace's and Reagan did her own face!
Pumpkin patch sunflowers are so amazing....and huge!!!
Family Tradition: Apple Annie's Pumpkin Patch each fall! Jason hates it but Mom and the kids so love it!!!
Look at the cute little pumpkins!
Travis looked forever for the perfect little pumpkins....