Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some Days Are Just Not Good...

Some days are just not good...they are BAD! Yesterday was one of those days. Reagan crawled into my bed at 0615 and said, "I don't feel so good." I don't do mornings...especially that early so I tried to roll over and just pretend to be sleeping...."I don't feel good Mom." It was official--the day had started. Reagan had a fever and her tummy hurt. I medicated her and made an appointment for the afternoon to see the Dr. (I figured she had strep...all the symptoms and was exposed this weekend.) She felt better and wanted to go to swim and to her camp at Mrs. Norton's. Swimming didn't go that well, but thats another story.
Travis and I came home to hang out after we dropped on Reagan at camp. I turned on the curling iron and went in the office for a minute. I heard a door click and thought Jason had come home. I yelled for Travis and just then I heard a blood curdling scream. My little guy had somehow pulled down the curling iron and then tried to pick up (or at least that's what I'm guessing!). He burned his little hand--blistered his palm immediately. Poor kid...I'm a bad Mom! I left it on and within his reach! Travis was tears flowed too. I medicated him with some old T3 and did everything I could to calm him and take away the pain. Jason came home and we bandaged his hand, called the Dr., and then Jason gave him a blessing. Poor kid...We saw the Dr. and he debreaded Travis's blisters a bit. Needless to say he's on T3 and got himself a bandaged least till Friday when we have a check up.
((I canceled Reagan's appointment for the day...but guess I shouldn't of. She woke up this morning throwing up. She missed her last day of swim and camp for the week and we made the trek to the Dr's office. She was heart broken. And sure enough-- +positive strep by assessment, but - test. She started her antibiotics. This week we are going to have been at the clinic 3 times---we are becoming regulars!!!)) This is not how summer is supposed to be...this is not how I planned to spinned my yesterday and much for planning!

At least popcicles keep them happy!


aboringfam said...

I think the iron burn happens more often then not. At least it was just one day and you were able to get into the dr. And popsicles always make everything better.

Unknown said...

You poor thing. That sounds like an awful day! I hate those days too, I had Peyton on the edge of the bed(idiotic! iknow) when she was like 3 or 4 mo. old and she rolled off and landed on her face and her poor little nose started to bleed. I think sometimes I lose my mind being a mom, but clearly you have had a rough last few days, i remember all the working you have been doing. You are a great mommy, and I don't know how you do it!

Melanie Hahn said...

Oh, I feel for you, sick and hurt kids are just very very hard to take care of. Hope everyone will be doing better soon!

Amy Allred said...

Poor Travis. THis week really hasn't been a good week for the grandkids. I hope he heals fast!

*Shaffen and Misty* said...

Poor guy. I remember burning my forehead and man did that hurt. What a rough week!

Joy said...

Yikes, that sounds like a bad day! Hopefully things are better now?

Kori said...

Kids bring lots of adventure to life, that's for sure, some good some bad. Sorry the little guy got burned.