Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Fun

The kids have been begging for days and days to go play in the is so tempting as you look up to Mt. Graham with its snow cover cap. But, I have to admit I was putting it off as it is often cold and fun, but often a bit miserable and wet within minutes. Last week on New Years Eve Day, Jason and I gave in and up to the Larson cabin we went. This year, we came prepared for the snow--in real snow attire! Some great friends who have children the same age as ours offered to let us borrow their snow gear! So dressed in bibs, boots, and fancy gloves of theirs and some normal cold weather jackets of ours, we managed to spend a WARM day playing in the snow! I honestly can't believe the difference...there were very few tears--only when Travis plowed down the mtn. and into Reagan, acquiring himself a black eye---the kids were warm and enjoyed the snow. We played off and on for hours! It was great! I never thought it would be worth it to have snow gear... but I was wrong and can't wait to find some!
The snow itself was good and deep...maybe 14-18 inches. It was still soft and powery like fresh, newly fallen snow! It was a great sunny day for some snow fun! Our little sled goes "super fast" as Travis says!

Faster Mom! Where is Travis?
Reagan couldn't get enough sledding in for the day!
Daddy likes the snow too!
No crashing!
Faster Dad! MUSH! MUSH!

Playing hard makes for a tired boy! Travis took a little nap while Mom and Reagan went back out to play!"Okay, I'll rest--but only for a few minutes!"I don't usually love winter....but I think could learn to if every day was like this one! (And hats off to great friends who don't mind sharing! Thank you!)


Unknown said...

Isn't it amazing how much better it is with the RIGHT gear?!
We Arizona people just aren't prepared for winter weather!

Kris said...

I'm so glad you guys had fun. Last time we went, I spent the whole time carrying a screaming Frank who hated every cold second of it. He's older now & I'm thinking of trying it again. Wish me luck!

Becca said...

Our kids begged us to detour on our way home from Duncan after Christmas and let them play in the snow on Mt. Graham, but we were mean & said no (mostly cause we didn't have the proper attire). I'm glad you had so much reminds me of when we used to go up as YW & YM to play :)

It sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas! Your kids are too cute and your new family pictures are awesome!

Becca said...

Our blog is private now, so if you'll send me your e-mail address I'll shoot an invite your way :)

Didn't mean to leave 2 comments in a row...sorry!