I love Easter...all it stands for and the feelings it brings. It is holiday we hold dear as we remember our Savior, his life, his death, and his resurrection. As we ate lunch after church this Easter, I was pleased both of my children knew that Easter isn't just about eggs and bunnies, but that they both knew Jesus died for them them and was resurrected...and that we can be resurrected one day because of Him. I love my children's faith...and am so impressed with their gospel knowledge sometimes! We are so blessed!
Easter morning brought beautiful Easter clothes from Nana:

Cute kids aren't they?! Thank you Nana!

Travis loved his "grown up" shirt!

And Reagan was a doll in her spring time dress! So sweet!
When we got home from church, the Easter Bunny had come and left behind some candy and...bikes! The kids were thrilled...they both needed new bikes and the Easter Bunny managed to bring just the ones they were hoping for!