Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mommy Finally Gave In...

Yep, its true. I finally gave in and cut off all Travis's cute curls yesterday. It almost broke my heart! We made a trip downtown to see Aunt Amy and she make a little boy out of my baby! Travis sat pretty still, but got restless at the end which was easily cured by a sucker. Amy did a great job. Travis looks SOOOO different now! Its amazing how grown up he looks, but still just as cute! I already miss my baby!


The Cleckler's said...

You took out the curls! He looks so much like his daddy now! So the pics I did were done on and I will say I have loved that program. I upgraded my membership for like 24.95(per year) which is not too bad. It gives me so much that I can do with pictures including collages. Dude I have hidden Relief Society skills I tell you! Anyway we will have a meeting next time I work with you!
Have fun!

Amy Allred said...

I cannot believe how much he looks like Jason. When he walked in yesterday I was shocked! He looks so grown up. We love Travis. Good Job AMy!!

Unknown said...

It's hard to believe what a difference a haircut can make!
As long as he doesn't keep his daddy's haircut schedule, he should be fine...

Kori said...

I think he looks handsome! I mistakenly called a little boy a girl today at the youth museum because he had such long curly hair, I felt really bad but he looked like a girl until I saw his brown boys pants and tennis shoes.