Monday, November 7, 2011

Reagan's Baptism

It was a special day that was long awaited. Reagan had to wait to be baptized on the Stake Baptism Day in September since her birthday fell in late August.
She could hardly wait, she was so excited! We got ready: dress, amazing pictures by Amber, and Bishop's interview. Plans were made and the date and time was set and soon everything fell into place.
Our princess was baptized by her Daddy on September 10th at the Thatcher Stake Center. Reagan's Papa and Papa Gene Robert were the witnesses. Reagan's Daddy also confirmed her a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It was a special day that Reagan shared with her friend Olivia Lunt and her cousin. Liv and Reagan were also blessed on the same day as babies. What amazing things to share...
Liv's grandma Holladay spoke on baptism and Reagan's Nana spoke on the Holy Ghost.
The girls sang "I Love to See the Temple" at their baptism and did a beautiful job. They were both beautiful in their white dresses. We were so excited and proud of them all. It was simply an awesome day!

Such a beautiful girl....

Showing her personality....

Gotta love this one:

So sweet and innocent and pure....

I love that smile!

My favorite precious, so grown up!

After Reagan's baptism, we went to the Temple to take some fun cousin pictures for Nana. They turned out so cute!

What a bunch of cuties!

Silly kiddos!

Mommy and Jace:

Our cute little family:

"I love to see the temple....I am going there someday."

We are so proud of Reagan's decision to be baptized. Being baptized is the first step she will take on her road to the temple. Reagan is a sweet and compassionate girl whose smile brightens our days. Reagan, we want you to know how much we love you and how truly proud of you we are! You are such a good example to your brothers!

1 comment:

Kori said...

Your little guys is getting so big! Congrats Reagan, a few months late.