Monday, September 22, 2008

Duncan's Redneck Tractor Pulls

Jason would say you haven't lived until you've been to tractor pulls...if this is true, the Larson family has definitely LIVED! We've been to numerous tractor pulls in the past and Saturday kept us close to home as we traveled to Duncan for (Travis's 1st) tractor pulls. Most of the pulls we go to are strictly antique tractors, but as is much of everything in Duncan, this was a Redneck version! You were allowed to pull with anything--your old tractor, your new supped-up hot rod tractor, your shiny new Dodge truck, or even your old beater Ford truck! It was a sight to see!

A bit of tractor pull explanation for those who haven't LIVED yet....You chain your tractor to a "sled" and the weight you are pulling slowly goes up as you pull forward and you try for the furthest distance. Normally there are lots of rules--like 2 hands on the steering wheel, must go less than 2 or 3 mph, front tractor tire can't go but 6in. off the ground, etc. Duncan's was-- you guessed it--not so rule oriented so some guy pulled the sled fast and hard with his alcohol fueled modified tractor and actually broke the sled! Jason was, not so much!

This has become a bit of a family tradition--Jason and his Dad have been going to pulls since we got married. There is a bit of competition between the two and this pull was no different. Kent and Jason drove the same tractor (our old Farmall M). Kent told Jason he beat him by a few inches, but when it was over, Jason said he got 5th and his dad got 6th...Kent didn't believe him. Silly boys! They usually drive John Deere tractors, but didn't on Saturday and what was weird was that no one else did either! There were no John Deeres! Crazy! At least there were JD fans--check out our two cuties! (And yes, they do make Wranglers to fit a 11 month old!)

The pulls were actually at the Greenlee Co. Fair so we got to check that all out and see my parents. My Dad even joined in on the tractor pull watching. Reagan loved the animals and Travis just enjoyed the ride. We had fun and of course got our favorite fair food--cotton candy! Lots of family fun.....


Heather A said...

Hard to believe, I know, but I have never been to a tractor pull. Farm girl that I am, how sad!

Sounds like all kinds of fun. I kinda miss the Greenlee County fair. We're not much for crowds and all the places we've lived since have been super crowded.

Becca said...

What's wrong with us Lunt farm girls? I guess since we got to drive them everyday we didn't need to go to the tractor pull's...we got to do trailer pulls every day! Looks like you had fun!

Amy Allred said...

It's good to see that Reagan FINALLY gets to wear that shirt her favorite aunt bought for 3 years ago! Looks like you had a blast! Sorry I missed it! ;)

Dana said...

I am so sorry I missed the pulls, I was busy painting my toe nails on Saturday (he he). Glad you had fun. It make Jay feel like a real farmer when he gets to play in the dirt.

Amber H. said...

Oh my, that is too fun! I guess I haven't 'lived' yet though because I've never even heard of that! I guess I've got some catching up to do :o) It looks like you guys had a great time, and I'm jealous of the fair! I LOVE fair food!

Jeremy.Celeste said...

How fun that you got to go to those. We go to them up here in Utah, only they are called truck pulls, Jeremy's family helps at those and it is such a little treat for our little boys. Looks like you had lots of fun! I had never been to any before I met Jeremy. Did they just start those at the fair? Your little kids are so cute.

Alene said...

Hi Amanda and Jason! I blog hopped and was lucky to find you! Looks like you have been busy having fun and I love the JD shirts. Your kids are adorable.

Kori said...

I'm just glad Jason recognizes that he's a redneck.