Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.....

1st--My birthday...it was even on the 1st! Yep another one came and went, but I've decided I'm never getting older...I'll just be 30 forever in case anyone is wondering!
2nd--A long trip out of town...our first with no kids....5 days of just me and Jason! Flying...which we hadn't done in years even! The trip was fun and adventurous at first, then quiet...and sort of lonely. Quickly, we both missed the kids (I think more than they missed us actually)! We were glad to come home to them, but grateful for a little getaway thanks to my mom!
3rd--Sin City...Las Vegas is just that! At every glance--we were surrounded by a lifestyle that just wasn't ours...from the drinking and smoking to the gambling and scantly clad and fake people, even glutenous food and covetous stores. Lots of the sights at the hotels were amazing, but each day we were grateful to have the escape of our room....above the volcano at The Mirage of course!
Glass blown flowers in a hotel lobby ceiling.
4th--A light in the middle of darkness... the Las Vegas temple. It was good to go there and to feel the peace that only a temple can provide.
5th--"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas--unless it itches." The golden rule I learned in my Emergency Nursing Conference--the real reason for our little trip out of town. It was great to be reminded of why I love my job and why I love the department I work in. I learned lots and was proud to see how my little ER stacks up against others across the nation as I talked to colleagues.


Unknown said...

Glad that you got a little vacation with your hubby...but also glad to have you back safe and sound with a little better perspective on the world.
Love you guys

Kori said...

I've been thinking that John and I need a getaway....maybe I better wait until my baby's weaned.

Joy said...

Happy birthday! Glad you got some time away!!

Amy Allred said...

Looks like you guys had a BLAST!!! I'm glad to hear you stayed true to your values!! ;)