Monday, November 30, 2009

New Thanksgiving Traditions

We started some new Thanksgiving Traditions this year. My favorite was the Turkey Trot in Pima. Jason and I ran the 5K together. I loved the little brisk morning run and it was cool to have him by my side. It was a bit rough on Jason, but he tried hard and even finished strong--sprinting and beating me across the finish line. What a brat! As we drove away, I coaxed him with a "Now wasn't that fun?" comment. He didn't take the bait though and replied, "The only fun part was spending time with you!" Okay--so Jason didn't enjoy the run, but he did it for me. What a sweet husband!
I think Jason started the next tradition--cooking our own turkey at home. He built a new barbecue and was excited to give it a try. With ours and some friends and family's turkeys--I think he did 6 or so! It was a hit as usual...surprisingly for one friend who said everyone shyed away from the not so turkey looking turkey at first, but once one dared to try it--it was over and the turkey disappeared quickly. Good job Jason!

We finished the day with our normal traditions--eating a beautiful dinner at Grandmother Ford's in Safford with the Larsons and Fords. We were small in number this year, but it was still fun to get together and talk and eat Gram's famous lemon pie! Poor Gram...her turkey wasn't done in time for dinner for the first time in Ford history so we ate a Larson bbq turkey. I felt bad for her but had to laugh--most people have cooking disasters all the time--but not this lady--she's a true Betty Crocker woman!!
No pics while we're eating Mom!
Next, it was on to my sister Tanya's in Thatcher for a Cole usual there was more food than a person can image or even eat...3 turkeys cooked 3 different ways even! My Aunt and Uncle from Tucson came with their 2 sons. Jake is off to North Carolina next year to play Division 1 baseball--too cool. And Zach is still a musician and hockey player. Reagan and Travis loved the boys attention--and I think the boys loved hanging out with them too.
Last tradition for the day--me off to work.
It was a great day of thankfulness...we are so blessed! We are surrounded by family and friends. We are blessed with a home and stable careers. We are healthy and we have the gospel--a direction to follow in our lives. I am thankful for Thanksgiving and its reminder that we should stop and count our blessings...


Jeremy.Celeste said...

I have to say, I love your new family pictures! So cute. You have a super cute family! Love the new Thanksgiving traditions. How fun.

Kori said...

I guess that's to joy of living close to two families-- you get A LOT of food in one day.

Amy Allred said...

Good Job on your run! And congrats to Jason for trying something new! I am glad you were there @ Gram's with us!