Saturday, October 23, 2010

We're Having A Baby!

Okay, I used to think of myself as very dedicated to this...keeping track-journalizing-and recording family memories. Yes, I fell off the wagon and was hit hard, very hard. But, I do have an excuse, as most people do....
I am 12 weeks! We are so excited. Babies don't come easy at our house and we are so excited to be getting an addition to our family!! Travis is convinced there are two babies coming--a boy for him and a girl for Reagan. No, we are sure it isn't twins...we've had lots of ultrasounds already and only one little one there! Reagan is sure she is getting a sister because she "needs one!" of course. Jason and I are just hoping for healthy....we'll take boy or girl.
Things are going well. I am not really sick, just nausea off and on (which is remedied by Zofran ODTs luckily). I saw Dr. Tran yesterday and get to stop my Progesterone now, which I am thrilled about since he promises this might be why I am beyond exhausted! (I was starting to think it was just 'cuz I'm getting too old for this stuff--"they" say its harder on you in your 30's!) I will continue with my Heparin injections until we talk to the specialist at 20wks or so and make some adjustments/changes then.
We are so excited! So, our new little Larson should arrive in May--the official day right now is May 9th! Fun! (NO summer pregnancy--I am so thrilled!)


Joy said...

Yay!!!! I am so happy for you!! I guess camping trips this summer will be few and far between!! Let me know if you need anything! I am home most days and can watch Travis anytime, I'm sure Kevin and Paige would love to play with him!

Crystal said...

Congratulations, Pal!

Heather A said...

So happy for you! Congratulations and good luck with everything!

Kori said...

Very exciting!! Congratulations! I'm curious about the hormones and heparin injections?? Good luck.

Sarah Pace said...

congradulations!! how exiting for you guys! I hope this pregnancy is better for you and that all goes well:)

Melanie Hahn said...

Congratulations to you guys! I had no idea you had a hard time with pregnancies, thank goodness for all that Doctors can do to help you along. So wonderful!!

Jeremy.Celeste said...

Oh wow! Congratulations. That is so exciting. We are expecting as well. Only ours is due on the 1st of April. How fun. I hope things continue to go well. What a blessing to have another one come to your beautiful family. So, special. I am so excited for you. Love that Travis wants one for each.

Stephanie said...

Yea!!! I'm so excited for you and your family!!!! Congrats!