Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No Kids?!

Several months ago, I got a strange phone call. It was my Dad and he said he was planning a gold panning trip at the end of the year and wanted to know if he could take my kids. I had to laugh because my Dad is the most awesome Granddad but was a pretty grouchy dad who didn't volunteer to deal with us kids much. Oh, how things change! It was cute and I of course said, "Sure!" So, my parents came and got the kids the Sunday after Christmas and didn't bring them home till that Thurs. Jason and I had over 4 full days without kids and two of those neither one of us even had to work! We were both excited, but that faded quickly as Jason came home from work that Sunday because he was sick with the stomach flu...and you guessed it--I had the same terrible N/V/D on Monday. So, Tues. came all too quickly and neither of us felt much like going anywhere so we goofed off in town, went to a nice (quiet) dinner, went to Valkyrie (which was an awesome movie and the first we had seen alone together in years!), and spent the night at the Days Inn in Safford (a treat we won at Jason's work Christmas party!). Our night out was lots of fun, but by Wednesday, I was missing my babies a ton! More than I thought I would for sure! The house was quiet and Jason and I neither one were sure what to do with all this free time! I went to work and so did he...and when the kids got home on Thursday, our hearts melted! Them being gone really made me stop and realize how much I love them and how lonely life would be without them. Having Travis and Reagan truly is a blessing! I'm glad they had a good time with my parents and little brother at the gold panning convention, but I'm glad they are home. And I'm glad they are mine to keep! (Oh, and next time my Dad wants to borrow them, I will plan better and Jason and I will both take off work completely and go out of town and keep busy so maybe we won't miss them....ha!ha!....probably won't work, but its worth a try!)Welcome home Reagan and Travis!

1 comment:

Kori said...

I've only left Spencer overnight once with my parents for our 2nd Anniversary last year. Although it was a nice break I missed him tons and realized what a huge part of me he really is. I agree that being a mom is the best thing in the world.