Saturday, January 30, 2010

Have You Ever Seen So Much Snow???

All of our rain down here has brought LOTS of snow to Mt. Graham...........more than we've ever seen! With feet-not inches- piling up on the cabin roof top, Jason and Tanner decided we needed to take a trip up and clear off the snow. As we made the trek from the truck to the cabin, the snow was up to my waist in places...and there was still snow pack under my foot! Crazy! Jason and Tanner worked long and took lots more time than we expected! This is a pic of the peak of the cabin roof. Check out that snow drift on top of it!

Travis loved the snow, but missed insulated gloves! His hands got cold fast so we just sat on our sled and watched the men work.

The snow was almost deeper than the shovel on the (highest) roof of the cabin!
What a blessing the rain has been to the valley and to the is going to be a beautiful spring and summer!
Ps--Tanner is Daddy now! Alexis Grace was born last week! We are so excited to have another baby (especially a girl!) in the family!


Kris said...

I was thinking of the cabin last week as I watched the white stuff come down near our house.

I remember going up with my dad & Uncle Danny to do clear the snow off when I was a kid. It was just like that- couldn't even see the wall around the courtyard & white as far as you could see. I wish we were there so we could go up & play!

Miken Harding said...

No way-how cool is that! Wish i was there to play in it! Boston would love it. Absolutely love your family pictures, you have a beautiful family! Happy new year!