Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well, on our "forced vacation," I have managed to get some things done--master cinamon rolls and sugar doodles, flop completely at making bread (someday I'm going to learn the secret!), get some blogging done, go on a short ranger ride, go on some long runs, clean my floors and shower (both of which I hate doing and put off as long as possible), canned some chicken, started reading Wuthering Heights for the millionth time (I haven't been able to get past the first chapter since HS), and just hung out with my funny kids and my sweet hubby. My mock cinabuns are the best!Yummy bottled chicken! Reagan and Travis built a snicker doodle snow man! Crazy kids! (Yes, we may weigh a million lbs. by the time we are free to roam the town!)
The kids have enjoyed some outside time and some inside time...playing legos, trains, and Disney figures have been their favorites.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you could put your time to good use...even more glad that you are now free to resume your life.