Saturday, July 24, 2010

Girls Getaway...

July 2, 2010
My sister-in-laws are great at planning getaways and this one was no exception! In twenty-four hours, we managed to get lots done.... ice cream at Cold Stone (yum!), dinner at PF Changs (yum again!),

a trip to the Mesa Temple to do some initiatories (which was fun because most of hadn't done them in forever!),
and last but not least, head to the IMax to watch Eclipse! (This was our "reason" or excuse for getting out of town...and it was even better than anticipated!)

I would like to say we slept well at the Goodman Condo (thanks Amy!), but there was very few hours of that for most of us. Instead, we spent the night talking and laughing...just like the slumber parties of the days of old! It really was fun to just be "us girls" and not have any worries for a few short hours. I love these little bonding trips and I think we all agreed--we need to to this more often!
Looking forward to next time.... (hint, hint girls--plan away!)


Kori said...

Good for you Amanda, every mama needs a break sometimes.

Amy Allred said...

SOOOOO much fun!! Thanks for driving and being apart of all the fun!!

P.S. Love all the Hawaii pics, it would never let me comment on them!

Joy said...

That's a lot of sister-in-laws! Looks like a blast!