Friday, August 26, 2011


Okay, so these pictures aren't in much of a chronological order....but the first few are more recent as you can tell by a bigger, stronger Baby Jace. He is our entertainment these days. He loves to spit, give slobbery kisses, giggle at his brother and sister, and be entertained by anyone who will pay him any attention. Isn't he the cutest?! We love him so much! (Even if he isn't sleeping through the night yet!!) Jace...hanging with Mom while she gets some homework done....

He kicks his legs like crazy and even pushes himself up with his arms. Silly boy--he is growing up far to fast!!

In the mornings, Jace and Travis are buddies. They both are little morning is fun to see their smiling faces, but I do miss my sleep!

Jace is loving being a big boy and eating food...or baby cereal at least. I shovel as fast as I can and sometimes some gets away from him!

These pics were actually from his first ever tasting...he loved it and hasn't looked back!

Yumm Mom!

Jace loves hanging out under his toy from Ross and Annie...

He also is starting to love his plug...and put it in his mouth himself!

Jace loves to talk to us!

Cute guy...but definitely a moving target when it comes to picture taking!

The bouncy chair is fun, but he has already almost outgrown it!

Our cuties posing for a pic for Grandma's birthday this summer:

Sometimes Jace plays so hard, he wears himself out! Poor little guy!

We love our little monkey!

Jace so loves his baths! He laughs and splashes and laughs some more! He even cries when you get him out sometimes! What a funny little guy!

I so love this little guy! He isn't always easy, but he is always cute and that does go along way with Mommy! We are so blessed to have such a sweet little spirit in our home!

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