Sunday, March 1, 2009

OUCH, OOWWW, and Other New Words

Travis has learned lots of new words this week. He can say shoe, sock, down, out, and Sis. But the most profound words of the week were OUCH! and OOWWW! One look at his face and you can see why. This little guy and gravity just aren't getting along. First, it was a black eye from the kitchen table (not sure what really happened just a loud thud and crying and even some blood). Then, it was a walk outside with Dad and an unexpected step down from the curb....and lots of crying, dirt, and blood to the other side of his face. Last, but not least, was the huge bruise Travis got on his back when he fell on the tile in the bathroom. Poor little guy! Good thing he's tough and the crying is short lived!


Amber H. said...

Holy cow! Poor kid! He is just one big scrape and bruise! And good job on running that race...that's awesome!

Amy Allred said...

Welcome to having a boy. There is always a bruise or scrape somewhere on them!

Luke & Erica said...

Thank you so much for suggesting burnt flour. We have done it for the past day or so and I already see improvement. I wonder if it will continue to heal. Thanks again!!!

The Cleckler's said...

Yah right Conda...we all know you're beating your kids. We're gonna have to get poor little Travis a shoe card for the Safe House! JK!!!