Friday, November 13, 2009

All Good Things Must Come To An End....

The first good thing that came to an end was Reagan's soccer season. Last Saturday was her last game. She had a great game and overall-- a really awesome season. She found her competitive streak off and on and usually managed to score 2 or 3 times a game. The competitive streak was funny though--it was mostly just in the joy of scoring....I think she would have even done better if we could have gotten her to be competitive between her and another girl on her team....if Lucy was playing hard and scoring, Reagan would relax and just enjoy the game and let Lucy take charge and if Reagan was playing hard and scoring, Lucy seemed to do the same. Between the two and some great supporting players, I don't think the Lavender Ladies lost a game all season! (There is no keeping score, but Reagan always did of course!) They were fun to watch...and believe it or not, I will actually miss the games and even the practices. (I like hanging out with the other moms.) I will be nice for Reagan though--now she can just focus on her "girly stuff"--piano, dance, and gynastics till spring.
The PTO Harvest Festival at the school also came to an end on Saturday. It was a craft fair and carnival and quite a success I think! I wasn't in charge of it, but helped a friend with lots of the prep work...from measuring and marking our gym for the craft fair to organizing and getting donations for the Silent Auction--I managed to keep busy. We made close to $3000.00 last I heard! Not bad for our first its on to my next project or projects...Christmas!
Well, Jason may not agree that his hunt was good as it ended and he came home empty handed. He was bummed to only get one vacation day for it, but still managed to hunt several days without the camping aspect (which Reagan was really bummed about). He could have shot a spike, but let a buddy go for the kill...he also hiked lots and even saw a big one, but never got close enough for a shot. We even spent our "vacation day" on Weds. out with Daddy on a ranger ride/hunting trip. The kids loved every minute of it and we even came within a couple feet of little white tail doe. So, no glorious kill story this year, but still a good hunt I would have to say.


Anonymous said...

You cant kill a deer if you don't pull the trigger! Maybe next time...

Kris said...

I was wondering how he did on his hunt. Maybe next year you'll have a dead deer on your swingset!