Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ThE QuEeN oF HeArTs and ThE wHiTe RaBbiT: Halloween 2009

Okay, you guessed it! Reagan,who is not necessarily the girly type, wanted to be a Villain again for Halloween. This is no easy task! We thought long and hard--Cruella...so last year, Ursula....where are we going to find a octopus costume?....she finally agreed that The Queen of Hearts on Alice in Wonderland was villain enough. So, of course Travis had to be The White Rabbit (while I can still choose his costume)! Cute pair aren't they?! Travis actually loved his rabbit costume and from the first time he tried it on, he never wanted to take it off! He was tearful that night only because I didn't let him wear the white slippers that came with the costume! Silly boy!

Halloween Day was actually a busy day for our family. First, I ran a half marathon in the morning (more on that later) and Reagan had a soccer game. Then, lunch at Tanya's with my family. Next, Amber Halversen took family pictures of us and my entire family. It was fun! And so easy! The kids did better than expected, especially Travis who loved Amber's husband Josh and his noisy clown puppet. I can't wait to see how the pics turned out! Next was the Halloween festivities of course.
Reagan and Travis LOVE candy--what kid doesn't?! So they were eager to Trick or Treat....and eat their spoils. We went out to Rose's to see the cousins and admire everyone's costumes. All unique and so creative! Getting 11 little goblins to look and smile at the camera was futile, but here's my best attempt:

We joined the cousins for the Trunk or Treat party at their church south of town. Reagan had fun, but it was Travis who was all smiles and just walked from trunk to trunk with his hand out...raking in more candy than his little bag could hold. Next, it was off to Grandmother Ford's house--a Halloween tradition. The kids play and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters that stop by and Gram ooohhhs and ahhhs at their antics. On our way home, we had one more important stop: to see the Cheshire Cat! Baby Kaela couldn't choose her costume yet so Tanya decided it would be cute if she was part of our little fairy tale (and Tanya has a Cheshire cat she has had since she was 3--it was her favorite stuffed animal as a kid!). We just needed Alice.....
After the long day, we read the kids stories and it was off with their heads...to sleep anyways! Jason crashed and I made it in to work by 9pm for my shift. What a Halloween to remember!


Miken Harding said...

Love the costumes....congrats on the half marathon..your my hero!

Heather A said...

Impressive costumes. Sounds like a great day!

Jeremy.Celeste said...

How fun to go with a theme. I love the costumes. So cute!

Heidi Bryce said...

Very cute costumes. Sounds like a day of fun.

Kori said...

Gotta do the themes while their young and will let you choose their costumes. Good job on the 1/2 marathon also.