Monday, February 1, 2010

Out for a Drive

After being under house arrest for a few days, we needed a break. Out for a drive "around" the mountain we went. We drove from home to Cedar Springs where the kids enjoyed some rock climbing... Big rocks meant big fun....
Behind the huge rocks were some smaller boulders that had been used by the Indians to grind corn in the past....we found lots of these enormous "matats" around. Very cool...and historical.

Reagan being the little climber that she is--just had to climb to the very top to prove she could do it! What a girl! She is so not afraid of anything!
Travis wanted to climb so we had to find some rocks more his size.
Then, it was off again to Klondyke and up into the Aravipa Canyon for lunch. It was really pretty and reminded us of Bonita Creek. The kids and Grant found the water and enjoyed some mud playing...should have got a few pics of the beautiful mud "castles" they created. These kids love getting dirty!

Dad's truck got dirty. "Its not my fault!" Travis says! I agree...Dad drove us there--must be his fault!
The kids soon fell asleep and we drove through Stockton pass and home. It was a long relaxing drive. Fun!

1 comment:

Becca said...

What a fun day out! I wish Chad had Saturdr days off so we could go on adventures more often, but you know how that goes ;)

I'm sure we don't have as far to bike as you do, but tell Reagan I'm proud of her for WANTING to ride to school...Bricklyn thinks I'm the meanest mom because I won't drive the
whole whopping 3 blocks to school!

I'm glad you are feeling better! What a weird ordeal you have been through.