Sunday, April 11, 2010

"The Easter Bunny Came!" and "A Tale of Poppies"

The Easter Bunny just cannot come to your house if there aren't eggs dyed and waiting for him to hide, so the kids set to work....

We did glitter eggs this year. (Reagan got to pick!) They were messy of course, but turned out quite beautiful.

Must have worked because the kids woke up the next morning and sure enough--some one visited us! I was woken by gleeful screams of "The Easter Bunny came!" over and over again. Reagan and Travis were thrilled with their Easter goodies!

After getting ready, it was time for a trek out front for a Easter Egg hunt. Reagan was a pro and even helped Travis find eggs after she met her limit. What a good big sister!

Cute new Easter duds! Thanks Nana!

The Easter Bunny left another surprise--turtles! (Red Eared Sliders to be exact...)

Reagan loved her turtle and quickly named her Alice. As for Travis, he wasn't too sure about a turtle that wouldn't show his face!
Daddy had a nice little habitat ready to go for the new pets, but the kids would have rather just held them all day!
After enjoying Conference, it was off to Nana and Poppa's for more egg hunting and some fun cousin time!

Next, was a drive toward Three Way. There we found a million and one poppies and got some cute cousin shots...
It wasn't easy, but I think we got some good ones...I even found one with Travis smiling in it!

We were bribing the kids with cookies and promised goodies...guess it worked! Cute kids huh?!

Travis didn't last long--at 4p and no nap, he was pretty unconsoleable. (He fell asleep within seconds of getting into the car!)
The scene was breath-taking! I've seen poppies in this area many times (as I grew up just a few miles from here), but never this many! It was amazing!

We love spring!


Unknown said...

What a perfect ending to a wonderful Easter. I really appreciate all the effort to get some "grandkids pics".
The wild flowers this year are incredible all over this part of the state! That's what winter rains do for you!!

Dana said...

It was fun taking the kids' pictures. The all looked so cute in their Easter best.

ps My kids got more that just cereal from the Easter Bunny. Adam must have neglected to tell you everything.

Kori said...

I love Spring too with all the flowers and Easter is way more fun with kids. We're excited to come visit next month.