Monday, April 5, 2010

"Three of a Kind"--Reagan's First Grade Musical

Reagan was excited about her first grade musical "Three of a Kind" for weeks! She had her part memorized in a day and couldn't wait to be one of the "three blind mice." She came home telling me exactly what kind of mouse she wanted to be... "A girly one okay, mom? Maybe with lots of pink and a tutu and a bow...sort of like Minnie Mouse." And, so the dream began.Here's our blind girly mouse. Not bad huh?! Thanks to the help of Reagan's Aunt Dana, Reagan's dream became a cute reality! Reagan with her blind mice friends Kiley and Grayson.
Performance time!

Not scared a bit as usual! Way to go Reagan!

Singing her heart out...Reagan loves music with Ms. Lawson!
Awesome job organizing an entire grade of first graders Ms. Lawson and
great singing and acting first graders! The show was amazing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How fun! Glad to know that we have another little actor blooming in our family.
Way to go Reagan!