Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And...It's A Girl!

She weighs in 16.8 lbs and is 14 inches tall. Meet Roxy, our new weimaraner puppy! She is 8 weeks old now. Roxy is actually Reagan's puppy...her early birthday gift! (I mentioned to Jason a few weeks ago that it would be fun to get Reagan a puppy for her birthday. He agreed and set out Internet shopping....well, he had till August to figure it all out, but Jason is no slacker so here we are in June with a new puppy--we got her last Thurs! She was "a good deal," the color we wanted (dark--called a blue), and a girl even (so hopefully someday we can have our own weim puppies!).

Roxy is a mellow little puppy. She loves to sleep and sleep some more. She is super calm for the most part and I don't think she has barked yet...only a little whimpering when she needs outside. (She is a house dog for now--only until she can't fit through our fence in the back yard). She is great with the kids and is a people dog--she is always at your feet or sleeping within inches of someone. She even loves to swim with us in the pool. Too funny! We love her so much already!

We got Roxy last week in Casa Grande. Her parents are both papered, but she isn't which we don't mind of course. Her dad is a big blue--so big we could hardly believe. He reminded me of a great dane, at least he stood that tall! Her mom was a pudgy, short gray that looked just about like Peter. When we got there, Roxy ran to Reagan and started licking she knew her already. Reagan said, "I think this puppy likes me." The owner of the puppies laughed and said, "It's a good thing, because she's yours." It was too cute! On the way home, we talked about a name. Jason liked Chole, but Reagan couldn't seem to remember it and Travis had all kinds of funny names for her. We passed a sign that said "ROX Construction/Real Estate" and so I suggested Roxy or was a hit! So, she is our Roxy!

Roxy is loving life with the Larsons. Reagan pampers her and even dresses her up. Travis pulls her every which way and loves to walk her on her leash. Roxy just puts up with it all so far. Peter our other dog is pretty indifferent, but if she tries to lay next to him outside, he barks a bit and saunters off. Dogs are funny!


Melanie Hahn said...

You tricked me!!! When I saw your post I was thinking you are pregnant! But a puppy will be easier to take care of than a baby :) Cute pup! Now I just want to see a pic with the dress up clothes on her!

Amy Allred said...

YEAH!!! We love Roxie! She is such a calm sweet puppy!