Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mom's Marathon--26.2 all the way!

After running 26.2 miles...
Got a bucket list?  I guess I have had a mental one for a few years now.  Just a few things that I want to accomplish in this life and one of them just happened to be running a marathon.  I actually had never given running one much thought, but after I ran a half marathon a couple of years ago, my Dad asked when I was going to run a real marathon.  At that point, I laughed and said, "Never.  13.1 miles is far enough for me!"  But here I am a few years later running that real marathon.
I tried to run the Flagstaff Marathon (which is a horrible trail run) when I was 8 weeks pregnant with Jace. I started puking at about 15 miles or needless to say I stopped and totalled only like 17 miles.  My awesome friend Mila stuck it out and finished in 6 hours.  It was torturous, but I was sad I hadn't finished.  I had trained so hard to not succeed in fulfilling my goal.  So, I knew I still wanted to run a marathon...a real trails and no high elevation...just me and some pavement...and thousands of other people with me.  My idea of fun-- or just craziness.
It took me forever to commit, but I finally decided to run the PF Chang's Phoenix Rock and Roll Marathon.  Mila did it last year and loved it so I decided to do it.
My mom went over to Phoenix with us and we went to the expo and got my number and shirt and goodies. It was cool. Then we spent the weekend there in Tempe in a little two bedroom condo. Jason got up early on race day and took me downtown to the start and dropped me off.  I was both nervous and excited.  I was nervous because I was not near in as good of shape as I was in Flagstaff, but I had done my training schedule loosely...and we had been on vacation the week before so I definitely had not been eating the best.  I was excited because I was with so many people and they were excited....and then they delayed the start about 40-45 minutes.  That part was torture. 
Finally, the race started...and I ran.  I ran some more.  It felt good and I was able to stay with the 4:15pacer for  the first 10 miles or so.  Then, I started to slow down.  I ran with a "partner" for about 5 miles; she was nice and we were evenly paced, but believe it or not I got tired of chatting ...and slowed a bit. It gave me some time to run and think and think some more.  I realized how blessed I was to be there.  My sweet husband and mom were with the kiddos, even my eight month old.  I could hardly believe I was there. I passed people and some passed me.  I felt good about my pace up to this point, but worried I would be out of steam early if I kept up.
When I got to 20 miles, I knew the end was in sight, but I so didn't have much left to give.  I was worn out and wishing had some sugary snacks.  I held on.  Then, at mile 23 my iphone battery died.  And I think I died a bit too.  That meant no music! NO running music!?! I was sure I would die.  I didn't, but I know that I slowed even more.  It took me almost 45 minutes to run that last 3 miles...terrible I know!  I was also worried.  I felt so alone.  How was I going to call Jason and tell him I was finished and have him come and get me?  My life line was cut off....I was totally alone in my mind, despite being surrounded by (and passed by) other runners. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would just have to beg someone to use their phone at the finish line.  I was nervous and worried and just continued to feel alone. 
Finally, I neared the finish line and was so happy to see all the people on the roadside cheering me and all the other runners on it.  It helped me to sprint the last few yards or so...or at least speed up.  I finished with a time of 4:45.  I was thrilled!  I had just wanted to make in under 5 hours and I had done that! (It also gave me hope that I could do it even faster--someday!)  I walked through and got my picture and my medal and some snacks- I was starved.  Emotionally and physically I was drained.  I was glad to be done,but still felt so alone.  I started to walk out of the corral and heard my name. It was Jason!  He had found me!  I was so happy and relieved! I wasn't alone!  He had been there and even watched me cross the finish line.  He had been tracking me on my phone and then realized that it must have died so he was there at the finish line waiting for me.  It was the perfect finish to be able to fall into his arms after the marathon! 
Life is so like that sometimes.  We feel alone, almost forgotten, but we aren't. Heavenly Father is there for us...he is tracking us, even watching us, and he is there for us when we need him most.  We just have to listen for him to call our name and he will be there for us to fall into his arms.
My marathon was amazing...I would do it again.  I think I will do it again.  I loved it and hated it, but it was nothing short of amazing and empowering. Till next time....
Almost to the finish line!

Before 26.2 miles....



1 comment:

Kris said...

You are completely awesome. I was a little teary as I read this- and I admire you!