Sunday, November 9, 2008

I Can Really Do It!

It's official--Travis can walk!
Oh, boy--nothing is safe now!
Well, it took a bit of distraction, lots of ouchies, and of course some bribing and some tears-- but Travis is walking on his own. He has been standing and pulling himself up for months--even before he was crawling good so I thought for sure he would walk early. Nope--this guy does things on his own terms and his own timing! (He's definitely laid back compared to some Larsons!) Last week he just decided walking might just be the cool way to get around and so he did it--does it--on his own! (no coaxing/bribing needed these days!) He's growing up so fast! I love it, but it still makes me sad that he's not a baby anymore!


Unknown said...

Go Travis!!
He is growing into such a little man!

Kori said...

Somehow kids seem so much older when they can walk. Luckily my baby was 14 months when he took his first steps.