Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Traditions

The last few weeks have been full of fun traditions...some new and some old, but all timeless treasures to me. We always take at least one long drive around to see all the Christmas lights. This is one of Reagan's favorite Christmas past times, but Travis found it torturous to ride around in his car seat in more than he had to. We also attend mine and Jason's work parties. Jason's was lots of fun with games and prizes galore. Mine was family oriented and at one of the local Dr's houses--the venue was amazing, and there was an ER video and also slide show which were hilarious. Other fun traditions I've already mentioned were a trip to see the temple lights and a night at the ward party. Another one of Reagan's favorites is talking to Santa, but as for Travis--even one look from Santa was enough to scare the poor boy to death!
Reagan and I also enjoyed making treats to take to our neighbors and a few friends. This year she enjoyed jumping out of the car and dropping the goodies off herself. "I can do it Mom!" Miss Independent said. Dad was all to happy to let her!
In true Christmas spirit, we also decided to do a bit of giving as we helped some local families we knew were in need. In trying to make it more personal for Reagan and to help her truly understand that giving is the real meaning of Christmas, we also let Reagan choose an angel and buy gifts for a little girl in need. Jason and I agree that these giving experiences were our favorite traditions of the year.

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