Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting Ready For Christmas...

We've been doing lots of the usual Christmas preparations at our house these days. We started with the outside lights. Jason went all out this year and even brought power to our fence so I could hang lights there. What a sweet husband! (He said he did it for me, but I know he loves making our house look good and he does a great job of it!) We also went down and bought a tree from the scouts. Jason made me pick it and of course it looked much better there than in our house. Reagan loved decorating it. Travis loved undecorating it. And I'm positive this was the fastest I've ever decorated anything...

Last Friday night Travis got to meet Santa. Travis a bit of a bashful little guy and definitely did NOT enjoy sitting on Santa's lap. Poor kid--he was just scared of that white beared guy! Reagan loved him and couldn't wait to rattle off her wish list.Oh, wish lists....I've been trying to hint to Reagan that Santa may not be able to fit her dream of a Barbie Jeep in his sleigh. "Everything fits in his sleigh," she replies matter of factly. Maybe its too expensive..."No Santa's elves can make it then it won't be a lot of $" she says. Her answer to all my hints was to write another letter to Santa telling he didn't have to bring anything at all to her except the Barbie Jeep--which she taped to the front door so he would know. Oh, my! The persistence of a 5 yr old! I just hope she isn't too disappointed on Christmas morning when there isn't a Barbie Jeep....(In Santa's defense, we took her to ToysRUs and let her sit in one and she was pretty much too big for it already and to buy the next bigger power wheels up is about $400--way too much! And she already has a pw Gator. Oh,what is Santa to do???!!!)
Saturday night brought the light parade which was not so impressive this year, but it was fun to hang with the Larson's in the motor home and have hot cocoa and snacks! Travis was enthralled with it all and just sat on my lap and watched the lights go by in amazement. "Wow" and "Whoa" were heard over and over from him. Poor Reagan had an upset stomach and ended up puking at least 4 times before it was over...she didn't want to leave till after Santa came by.
We're almost ready.... just a few more projects, presents, and parties...I think/ I hope!


Heather A said...

Kim has quite the list too. I don't think she'll be too disappointed though. I always tell her that sometimes Santa has better ideas for what we need or would enjoy! It's worked for me!

Amber H. said...

That is just TOO precious for words! Poor kid! On one hand I totally understand why "Santa" doesn't have the money, and the fact that she is already too big, but I totally remember asking for a horse for 2 years in a row for Christmas and my utter disappointment when I didn't get one! Oh, the unrealistic dreams of children! Good luck!

John and Kori said...

Don't feel bad about the jeep. As kids we're so worried about what we're going to get. My best memories were doing the 12 days of Christmas for needy families anonymously and learning there are people out there that are less fortunate. The feeling of giving with the Savior in mind is the best.