Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cabin Fever

For Father's Day weekend, we made the trek up Mt. Graham to the Larson Cabin. The weather was beautiful and cool--we even got sprinkled on a few times. My parents (who had never been to the cabin before) came up for the weekend with us. Tanya and Bruce even brought 3 wk. old Kaela. We had a great time--just eating (my mom keeps us well fed), lounging, and hiking (Reagan's favorite by far...we hiked to the Bear Cave once and Cow Canyon several times.)
Reagan caught lots of blue beetle bugs and taught Travis how to be a bug lover, too. He would walk around showing off his collection--"Look! Bugs!" he said over and over again. What a good big sister Travis has! He does think he is as big as her though--he slept with her in a bed the 2 nights we spent at the cabin because I forgot his pack-n-play. Now, he refuses to sleep in his crib at home and hasn't slept a wink in it in over a week! What a mess this boy is!
Keeping Travis's hand clean while camping was no easy task, but it is healing well and he managed to have fun, bandaged hand or not. Pics to follow....

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