Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Own Chicks!

Jason is a farmer at heart so of course we have chickens. We have had baby chicks, but these were hatched by some friends using their incubator. This week though, we have hatched 2 on our own! (Okay, so not on our own completely--with the help of the motherly hen who kept sitting on her eggs and Jason finally gave in, marked some eggs, and let her keep them.) You can't imagine the excitement in Reagan's voice as she came in the house yelling, "A chick, a chick! WE HAVE A NEW BABY CHICK!" Mind you, she had already picked up the egg-- that the chick was pecking its way out of and brought it inside. What a girl! Travis loves the chicks too--he wants to hold them just like his sister! Our little farm is growing!
Ps-The little yellow chick died the next day. Reagan planned a funeral....oh, what a life!

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