Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bonita Creek

October 4, 2008

After a normal busy week, the weekend was a reprieve. A fun morning at soccer, where Reagan (along with the help of 2 girls on the other team) scored a goal brought some laughter. Then, after watching "Reagan's boys" play pop warner football in the heat (which was quite exciting I will say!) we took a drive with my parents. It was good to be "couped up" in the truck as afternoon Conference was in full swing. We got to relax and just listen. It was so nice to be able to just focus on listening and retaining.

Our drive led us to Bonita Creek. It truly is one of the most beautiful places in this little valley. My favorite is when the leaves are change and you can "see fall," but since it is still so warm, everything was still green. Even the water! (It was a bit of shock, but we found out that they were testing the drift rates with dye. Very interesting!)

Our trip was my Dad's idea--he knew there had been some excavating/construction going on there and wanted to find the gold in the soil that had been over turned. The "dam" was completed and there was lots of dark soil which my dad said was perfect for gold panning. (My parents went on a cruise of Alaska a few years ago and has had "gold fever" ever since.) What an adventure! Jason, Dad, and Reagan panned for gold, I wrestled, danced and played in the water with Travis, and Mom took pics...wishing I had a few of those right now! Reagan found 1 spec of gold and boy is she proud of it! Travis enjoyed drinking out the gold pan like a puppy. It was hilarious!

We also drove up the canyon and showed my parents the petrogliffs in the cave. They have faded a lot--just in the last few years it seems. Reagan was very impressed by them and you guessed it...some rocks!

Gold panning was cool! We'll have to do it again some time! Maybe another Bonita Creek trip in the fall. Now if only Reagan or my Dad can find enough gold to make us rich....

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