Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"I Got A Ribbon!" and Other Fair Folleys

The Graham County fair was on its way so Jason convinced me that it would be fun for Reagan to enter something. I suggested the chickens, but that wasn't what Jason had in mind. It didn't take much encouragement and Reagan sat down and drew, colored, and painted pictures. Then, her and I spent an evening doing one of our favorite past times-making cookies! Reagan entered several. My sister was the first to make it out to the fair and she called and reported lots of ribbons. I was excited, but decided to wait for Reagan to see them herself so I didn't say anything.
We made it out to the Fair on Friday and Reagan discovered her hard work had paid off. She ran over and quickly found some of her cookies in the cases and shrieked over and over "I got a ribbon!" This was exciting stuff to a five year old! Reagan even made Grandmother Ford proud by getting a "best of show and special merit" on Grams famous Oh Henry bars! Then while looking at her artwork, Jason mentioned she got $3 for each blue ribbon, $2 for the red, and so forth. Another shriek! "I am going to be rich!" We laughed pretty hard at that!

Reagan loves animals and so of course we had to go see all the fair had to show. Reagan admired the steers, lambs, and goats up close and then it was in to see the chickens. As we walked by, a small white rooster began to "cockle doodle doo". Reagan turned and "cockle doodle dooed" right back at him. The rooster must not have appreciated this as he suddenly reached forward and bit her on the lip! Oh, the tears! And the stifling of laughter! It was almost too much to bare! Reagan had a nice little scratch on her top lip for the next few days and loved telling anyone who would listen how a "chicken bit me!"

Travis even tried to take part in the fair festivities--I was sure he was a shoe in for the Diaper Derby Championship. He has been crawling for months and is super fast. But alas, the derby was rained out and we appeared to be possibly the only crazy people who showed up. The nice lady behind the counter took our entry form and said she would mail him a check! An undisputed win I suppose!


Heather A said...

Sounds like a good time! Glad things are going so well for you

Kris said...

That chicken story is hilarious! Emma is laughing hysterically right now. Good times!