Friday, May 21, 2010

Reagan's Recital

This semester, Reagan took piano from Tia Palmer. Reagan loved going with her little friends Denim and Maci...and she quickly learned to love playing the piano. She would get excited and memorize songs off and on and loves to show off and play for anyone that comes to the house.

For her recital, Tia wanted the kids to have their songs memorized and encouraged them to do so a few measures at a time. Not Reagan-- she had wanted a cute/cheezy bulky digital watch for weeks from Wal-Mart....I told her to memorize her song and it was hers. So, we went home and in one night of practicing, she had the 2 page song memorized...not perfected--but memorized just the same! (And I was off to get the watch just 2 days later!) This girl can sure do anything when she puts her mind to it!

The recital came and Reagan was ready! She introduced herself and her song "Indian Celebration" and sat down and played her song perfectly! Then, she promptly bounced back to microphone and curtsied and bowed and exclaimed "Thank Youuuuuuu!" What a girl! We were proud--silly or not! A sister from our ward said to us afterwards, "Reagan is so just not afraid of anything! She never ceases to amaze me!" What a compliment to our little princess!
Good job Reagan! You are a great pianist! Keep up the hard work!


Dana said...

I am so sorry we couldn't make it to the recital, I know the boys would have loved it! She is too cute. Way to go Reggs!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry too that I couldn't be there...too much going on these days I guess.
I'm glad that Reagan is learning the piano and is excited about it. Don't know about "Indian Celebration" but if she keeps doing well...maybe she'll be playing "I Am a Child of God" in Primary!
Keep up the good work Reagan!!