Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Very Own Ground Breaking for the Gila Valley Temple

News flash! Monday before last 2/2/09, WE (the Larsons and some family friends whose name I can't say correctly let alone spell) had our own ground breaking adventure at the future site for the Gila Valley Temple!It started out as just a photo op with some pictures...which Reagan insisted she bring her very own shovel for. Then, the kids found a small hole in the ground and proceeded in their very own ground breaking! My kids! (And my nephews!) Cute yes....messy and dirty yes....all boy yes and tomboy yes! Reagan even made a new friend!

Ps--She asks everyday for a horse...if it was up to Daddy we would already have one!

1 comment:

Amy Allred said...

Fun times. I wish you had some pics of Pizza Hut later that night. TRravis LOVED that pizza!