Tuesday, May 5, 2009

BEEutiful BEE

Reagan's school musical "BUGZ" was last week. Reagan was Beeutiful as a Honey Bee. She knew all the songs by heart and even had all her friends parts memorized. The big production finally came and dressed in her cute homemade bee costume, she....just stood there-- initially. She just looked content to watch the others sing and the parents in the audience. Finally, towards the end she realized what she was supposed to be doing and help belt out a few buggy songs. The show was super cute and all the kids did a great job. Reagan's bee song and dance with the girls in her class was priceless. (All I know is that our music teacher has lots of patience...and talent--getting 125 kindergartners to perform is quite a feat in itself!) Thanks for coming to watch Nana!

Speaking of bugs....Reagan's caterpillar from Frye Mesa ended up in her bug cage and just a day later was a nice cocoon. Then, after much anticipation and 10 days...hatched into a beautiful butterfly! Reagan was so excited! After much convincing, she finally let the butterfly go. "That was the coolest pet I've ever had," she said. I have to agree.


Janae said...

She is such a cute bee and that is too funny that it took a little while to remember to sing! Don't you just love Mrs. Lawson!? She is an awesome/amazing music teacher!

Amber H. said...

Don't you just LOVE Mrs. Lawson? I have SO much respect for her! She is amazing! I love her costume too. VERY cute! Good job on that! Oh, and I feel exactly the same way about my kids growing up. I almost cry every day that my twins will be 5 this year! I don't want them big! Love those pictures of him covered in sucker, or popscicle or whatever that is. TOO cute!