Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm Going To First Grade!

Reagan came home last Friday after her last 2 whopping hours of school, bursting through the door and announced, "I'm going to first grade!" She emptied out her bag of goodies and showed me her graduation certificate. She was so proud and excited! (I was too, but sad because she is growing up way too fast!) She spent the day asking to swim, play in the water, and go to a friend's house...all not really an option as it was a rainy, cloudy day. I think Reagan is going to miss going to kindergarten with Ms. Stone and her friends....and I think I may too!

(Ms. Stone and Reagan... she was a fantastic, fun, and soft spoken teacher. Reagan loved her and so did I! We can only hope and pray for a first grade teacher who is as good as Ms. Stone!)

1 comment:

Amber H. said...

There are SO many good 1st grade teachers. I'm sure she will get someone great! We need to get together now that our kids are out of school. Felicity is already going through friend withdrawls! It's sad how fast they grow up though, isn't it?